Hi everyone, As the 2.3 series release maintainer, on behalf of Lebbeous Fogle-Weekley (2.2 maintainer), and Dan Scott (Evergreen 2.1, OpenSRF 2.1 maintainer), I hereby announce Evergreen 2.3.1, 2.2.3, 2.1.4, and OpenSRF 2.1.1, which contain security fixes. Links to downloads and documentation can be found at http://evergreen-ils.org/downloads.php and http://evergreen-ils.org/opensrf.php. Each of these releases also contains bugfixes not … Continue Reading about SECURITY RELEASES – Evergreen 2.3.1, 2.2.3, and 2.1.4; OpenSRF 2.1.1 →
Evergreen 2.3.0 Released
Hi Everyone, It is with great pleasure that I announce the official release of Evergreen 2.3.0. Links to the source code, staff client, and documentation can be found at http://evergreen-ils.org/downloads.php Some highlights from this release: A significant staff client upgrade to support newer versions of XULRunner. Kid’s Catalog A whole slew of TPAC features and fixes … Continue Reading about Evergreen 2.3.0 Released →
Welcome Laura!
Back in December, Laura McFarland joined Equinox Software as a full time software developer for all things Evergreen. Though her primary focus is user interface design and development, which she is also studying as part of her computer science program, she is pretty much up for anything when it comes to writing code. For those … Continue Reading about Welcome Laura! →
Code4lib 2008 (Mini) Roundup
I’ve been to my share of library conferences over the last couple of years. They all have something to offer in their own way: networking, schmoozing, wacky vendor displays, swag, etc. It’s been my experience, though, that as a geek/developer, I’m often a little disappointed at the content — it’s just not geared toward someone … Continue Reading about Code4lib 2008 (Mini) Roundup →
Acquisitions Update
As noted in Dan’s blog post http://open-ils.org/blog/?p=115, we’ve chosen a new path for acquisitions and serials development for Evergreen. One of the benefits of this new approach is our movement toward a more traditional development process, a process very similar to the one used in the development of the majority of Evergreen. This allows us … Continue Reading about Acquisitions Update →
ALA; Myths on the Cost of Open Source; Sharing in Positivity
I went to a discussion panel at ALA where a couple of library luminaries shared their views on library innovation. It was a good discussion all around and there were some great questions and comments from the audience. One recurring theme was the “reinforcement of the negative” that pervades the library landscape. For example, harping … Continue Reading about ALA; Myths on the Cost of Open Source; Sharing in Positivity →