As Evergreen is built with PostgreSQL at the core, the following PostgreSQL news announcement should be of concern to Evergreen administrators: Upcoming PostgreSQL Security Release: April 4, 2013 Posted on 2013-03-28 The PostgreSQL Global Development Group will be releasing a security update for all supported versions on Thursday April 4th, 2013. This release will include … Continue Reading about Heads-up: PostgreSQL security release coming on April 4, 2013 →
Google Summer of Code 2012 wrap-up: thank you!
‘Tis the season to give thanks for all that we have been fortunate to receive over the past year! Well, actually, as a Canadian that time was well over a month ago, and even the Americans in the crowd celebrated Thanksgiving last week. Given my tardiness, I hope it’s not too late to celebrate the … Continue Reading about Google Summer of Code 2012 wrap-up: thank you! →
OpenSRF 2.1.2 release
OpenSRF 2.1.2 As of November 18, 2012, the OpenSRF 2.1.2 release is available for download from the OpenSRF downloads page. This release corrects a problem where OpenSRF clients were unable to access the shared configuration section of opensrf_core.xml, resulting in errors. The most commonly observed symptom of this problem was an inability to registering new … Continue Reading about OpenSRF 2.1.2 release →
Firefox 10, BibTemplate, and the catalogue – heads up
We discovered today that Firefox 10 (coming to desktops near you over the past few days) reacts strongly to some things that it always used to accept without complaint – which can end up in a degraded or completely broken catalogue, depending on how you’ve customized it with BibTemplate. Long story short, we’ve been able … Continue Reading about Firefox 10, BibTemplate, and the catalogue – heads up →
Evergreen security releases: 2.0.10 and
UPDATE: 2011-10-06 Unfortunately, we discovered a problem with the brute force fix that could lead to incorrect authentication failures. The problem was most evident in multi-brick environments, but could occur in any environment with more than one open-ils.auth child processing authentication requests. Consequently, we have released updated versions of the security fix releases, along with … Continue Reading about Evergreen security releases: 2.0.10 and →
Evergreen Joins the Software Freedom Conservancy
Today, the Software Freedom Conservancy welcomes the Evergreen project as its newest member. Evergreen joins twenty-six other Conservancy members, who receive the benefit of aggregated non-profit status available to all Conservancy member projects. Conservancy and the Evergreen community, including librarians, developers, and documenters, are excited to announce that Evergreen is now a member of the … Continue Reading about Evergreen Joins the Software Freedom Conservancy →