Yesterday we (the Evergreen development team) finished wrapping up the Evergreen 2.0 alpha 3 release and made it available for your consumption, inspection, testing, development – what have you. The released ??files, including the source tarball, staff clients for Windows and Linux, and a virtual image built on Debian Squeeze, are available from the Evergreen … Continue Reading about Evergreen 2.0, alpha 3 release ready and waiting →
Security vulnerability in Evergreen 1.6: patch or upgrade advised
On Thursday, June 17th, we realized that the open-ils.pcrud service, which provides permission-protected access to Evergreen data in the 1.6 release series, was subject to a security vulnerability. The vulnerability allows a user to access objects outside of the permissions they have been granted by supplying fleshing arguments to the open-ils.pcrud search service. By Thursday … Continue Reading about Security vulnerability in Evergreen 1.6: patch or upgrade advised →
Evergreen and OpenSRF 1.2.2 released
The Evergreen development team is pleased to announce the immediate availability of OpenSRF 1.2.2 and Evergreen from the Evergreen downloads page (including the Windows staff client and a minimalist virtual image for testing and development). Evergreen is both a bug-fix and translation release: see the release notes for an overview of the changes … Continue Reading about Evergreen and OpenSRF 1.2.2 released →
Random numbers from the first Evergreen development IRC meeting
From the first Evergreen development meeting IRC log (with apologies to The Economist): 152 (duration in minutes from the official start time of 10:00 AM EDT until the official ending time of 12:32) 627 (comments posted during the meeting) 57 (peak nicks registered in the channel during the meeting – undoubtedly an all-time record for … Continue Reading about Random numbers from the first Evergreen development IRC meeting →
Developer meeting, October 16, 2009 @ 10:00 AM EDT
Update: 2009-10-14 8:20 PM EDT: Correct the title so that it accurately reflects the real date of the meeting: Friday, October 16, 2009 @ 10:00 AM EDT. As discussed on the Evergreen Development mailing list, a public meeting for Evergreen developers that will be held on the #evergreen channel on the Freenode IRC network. All … Continue Reading about Developer meeting, October 16, 2009 @ 10:00 AM EDT →
A new path for acquisitions development
In my previous post, AcqFest II: The Chronicles of Code, I described the work that we were doing with and around Woodchip – a specialization of the opentaps enterprise resource planning and customer relationship management systems. The post also described some of the complexity of opentaps – perhaps best demonstrated by the size of a … Continue Reading about A new path for acquisitions development →