OpenSRF 2.2.0-alpha is now available for download and testing. This is a relatively small enhancement and bugfix release, and includes the following major changes: Support for Apache 2.4, Debian Wheezy, and Fedora 18. Elimination of CPU spikes caused by use of the MultiSession module. This is particularly relevant for Evergreen as TPac uses MultiSession when … Continue Reading about OpenSRF 2.2.0-alpha released →
SECURITY RELEASES – Evergreen 2.3.3, 2.2.5, and 2.1.5
On behalf of the Evergreen contributors, the 2.3.x release maintainer (Bill Erickson), the 2.2.x release maintainer (Lebbeous Fogle-Weekley), and the 2.1.x release maintainer, (Dan Scott), we are pleased to announce the release of Evergreen 2.3.3, 2.2.5, and 2.1.5. Links to downloads and documentation can be found at and The 2.3.3 and 2.2.5 releases also contains … Continue Reading about SECURITY RELEASES – Evergreen 2.3.3, 2.2.5, and 2.1.5 →
GSoC 2012 and you
The Evergreen Project has been accepted by the Google Summer of Code 2012 program. This is the second year we’ve been accepted, and we look forward to working with GSoC students to build some cool new stuff into Evergreen. If you’re a student looking for a GSoC project to apply to, why choose Evergreen? There … Continue Reading about GSoC 2012 and you →
Evergreen now Git-ified
As of today, Evergreen and OpenSRF are now using Git for version control. The new version control server, kindly provided by the Georgia Public Library Service, is The Subversion repositories for Evergreen and OpenSRF are now read-only and will no longer be updated. So what does using Git mean for the Evergreen project? Git … Continue Reading about Evergreen now Git-ified →