The Evergreen community is pleased to announce two maintenance releases of Evergreen 3.0.2 and 2.12.8. Evergreen 3.0.2 has the following changes improving on Evergreen 3.0.1: Copy templates created in XUL Holdings Maintenance will now be automatically converted and displayed in the web staff client’s volume/copy editor. The list of report templates now includes a column … Continue Reading about Evergreen 3.0.2 and 2.12.8 released →
It Takes a Village
Lyrasis with the support of an IMLS grant hosted a forum for open source software in libraries called “It Takes a Village.” Lyrasis brought together a variety of leaders in open source projects to discuss issues related to the creation, management, and sustainability of open source systems. The open source projects included but were not … Continue Reading about It Takes a Village →
On the Road to 3.0: Digital Bookplates
In our next installment of the On the Road to 3.0 video series, we take a look at a new feature that allows libraries to apply digital bookplates to their donated materials. Many thanks to everyone who has subscribed to the new Evergreen YouTube channel! You can now find the channel at
On the Road to 3.0: Small Enhancements to Improve the Staff Experience
The upcoming Evergreen 3.0 release, scheduled for October 3, 2017, will bring along a lot of improvements for staff and patrons at Evergreen libraries. Over the next few weeks, we’ll highlight some of our favorite new features in the On the Road to 3.0 video series. In the first installment of the series, we look … Continue Reading about On the Road to 3.0: Small Enhancements to Improve the Staff Experience →
Evergreen to Highlight Innovative Catalog Features at ALA
The Evergreen community will be highlighting some of the ways the Evergreen catalog helps users find the material that they need at the American Library Association Conference in Chicago later this month. It’s a Popularity Contest — Innovation in the Evergreen Catalog is scheduled for 4:30 to 5:30 p.m. Saturday, June 24 in room W177 … Continue Reading about Evergreen to Highlight Innovative Catalog Features at ALA →
Evergreen 2.12.0 is released
The Evergreen community is pleased to announce the release of Evergreen 2.12. The release is available on the Evergreen downloads page. With this release, we strongly encourage the community to start using the new web client on a trial basis in production. All current Evergreen functionality is available in the web client with the exception of … Continue Reading about Evergreen 2.12.0 is released →