On behalf of the build-master team and myself, I am pleased to announce the release of Evergreen 2.11.0. Included in Evergreen 2.11.0 are the following new features: Add Date Header to Action Trigger Email/SMS Templates Support for Ubuntu 16.04 Purge User Activity Authority Record Import Updates Editor, Edit Date. Authority Propagation Updates Bib Editor, Edit … Continue Reading about Evergreen 2.11.0 released →
Evergreen 2.4.1 released
Evergreen 2.4.1 has been released. This is a bugfix release following the (quietly launched) 2.4.0. The various and sundry fixes supplied with this release include but are not limited to, and in no particular order: Packaging and upgrade improvements Bibliographic record export repairs Quieting of useless error log messages Serials holding summary generation bug fixes … Continue Reading about Evergreen 2.4.1 released →
Evergreen 2.4 — What’s new
Evergreen 2.4.0 was quietly release on May 3, 2013, but did not receive it’s normal announcement and fanfare. The post following this will very likely be the announcement of version 2.4.1, which provides significant improvement, though while late, we hope this run down of what’s new in the 2.4 series does it justice. The release … Continue Reading about Evergreen 2.4 — What’s new →
Evergreen 2.4 Beta1
The first (and likely only, barring major bugs) beta release of Evergreen 2.4 is now available for download and testing. This marks the official feature-freeze point for the 2.4 series of Evergreen. Notable features include: Significant TPAC enhancements Streamlined and enhanced Acquisitions functionality Expanded options for the configuration of Holds and Circulations The full set … Continue Reading about Evergreen 2.4 Beta1 →
2.4-alpha1 is cut!
Many teeth were gnashed and garments rent, but (as of last Friday) there is now available, for your downloading pleasure, the first alpha release of Evergreen 2.4. The web site will be updated shortly, and when it is you will see a new column for 2.4 on the downloads page at http://evergreen-ils.org/downloads.php. In the mean time … Continue Reading about 2.4-alpha1 is cut! →
A peek behind the curtain at: Bibliographic Indexing in Evergreen
In an attempt to force myself to post more often, I’m starting a new series tentatively called “A peek behind the curtain at.” I’m not sure how often these will happen or exactly where it will lead, but if you want more (or less) of this, just comment below. ?And now, on to the main … Continue Reading about A peek behind the curtain at: Bibliographic Indexing in Evergreen →