Originally posted to the open-ils-dev and open-ils-general mailing lists. Part of growing (as a software project, individually as developers, and generally in life) is to open up to others, to let others in, to be willing to allow others to explore and criticize and help. Even in the open source world that’s harder than it … Continue Reading about Meet the new Dan, same as the old Dan →
ACQFest is just finishing up, everyone is safely stowed on or near planes for their trip back home, and I’m trying to catch up on more than a week of backlog. I took a quick break to take the book quiz pointed out by Mark Linder and it seems … well, I’ll let you, kind … Continue Reading about When I speak, IT SOUNDS LIKE THIS! →
It’s the newwwwwww style
This afternoon, rather quietly, I posted the first release candidate for Evergreen 1.2.0 on the Open-ILS.org download page. This is a big milestone for the project and for the developers. It’s also a big milestone for those interested in adopting Evergreen outside of PINES. The 1.0 series was pretty heavily skinned for PINES, with the … Continue Reading about It’s the newwwwwww style →
Pile o’ stuff
Wow. It’s been a crazy two months. We’ve been going strong, if silent, and overall things have been going swimmingly. Some highlights: The mailing lists finally got busy (yay!), and to help sort through some of our growing pains we put together a document to help early adopters and contributors to get their feet wet … Continue Reading about Pile o’ stuff →
For the Good of the Many
Last time I wrote about our UTF-8 escaping machinery. It’s not that involved, but it’s something critical to get Right(tm) for proper unicode support. It’s also something that took me far too much time to complete, being something that nearly all modern data handling programs need to do. Let’s all hope that someone can benefit … Continue Reading about For the Good of the Many →
In case anybody happens to need some C that can take a char* and encode any UTF-8 byte sequences in there (as I needed to — our cribbed UTF-8 encoder proved brittle), here’s a little bit of code that may help. It’s probably more verbose than it needs to be, but it works — and … Continue Reading about Escape! →