We finally broke down and created a Freshmeat project — well, Brad did. I’ve added the 1.0.1 release (also available here), and it’s waiting approval by the fine folks over at FM. As I mentioned before in passing, we’re trying to be better about these sorts of things. We’ll continue to announce releases here and … Continue Reading about Output goings on →
Metarecord Holds (and a plug for oISBN)
A post from Ben Ostrowsky came across planet.code4lib.org a couple days ago, and I thought I’d mention that we have something similar to the idea presented there. Basically, Ben wants to give patrons the option of having a hold request filled by any title in a work-set based on OCLC’s xISBN service. First a little … Continue Reading about Metarecord Holds (and a plug for oISBN) →
A few quick platform updates
We’ve decided to move all RDBMS development to MySQL. MS Sequel Server was a close second, but since Oracle bought up all the MySQL storage engines of consequence, what could go wrong?!?! We’ll be moving all first generation OpenSRF applications to Python, because, well, I was wrong. Whitespace is syntax. Also, no more JSON. We’re … Continue Reading about A few quick platform updates →
The whole 2.0 meme tends to leave a bad taste in my mouth, and when used by the more — shall we say, vociferous — proponents of the principles behind the title it has been known to cause me to suffer a bad case of the dry heaves. That being said, and noting that he … Continue Reading about Autohorntootery →
Quicker SuperCat update
I said coming soon, and I meant it! 😉 Here‘s the HTML output from an OpenSearch 1.1 Atom feed, rendered server side to include unAPI. So, here’s the stack that generates that page The open-ils.storage OpenSRF application acts a distributed ORM for all of OpenILS’s persistent storage needs. We have applications called open-ils.search and open-ils.actor … Continue Reading about Quicker SuperCat update →
Quick SuperCat update
What its web API can do today: REST retrieval of bibliographic records as MARCXML, MODS, atom entry, rss item, oai_dc, srw_dc and rdf_dc, as well as OPAC redirection unAPI retrieval in formats above OpenSearch 1.0 and 1.1, and OSD generation (yes, generation — replace the dash in those URLs with title, author, subject or series … Continue Reading about Quick SuperCat update →