On behalf of the Evergreen contributors, the 2.7.x release maintainer (Ben Shum) and the 2.6.x and 2.5.x release maintainer (Dan Wells), we are pleased to announce the release of Evergreen 2.7.1, 2.6.4, and 2.5.8. The new releases can be downloaded from: http://evergreen-ils.org/egdownloads/ THESE RELEASES CONTAIN SECURITY UPDATES, so you will want to upgrade as soon … Continue Reading about SECURITY RELEASES – Evergreen 2.7.1, 2.6.4, and 2.5.8 →
Evergreen to Participate in Outreach Program for Women
The Evergreen project will participate in the Outreach Program for Women, a program organized through the GNOME Foundation to improve gender diversity in Free and Open Source Software projects. The Executive Oversight Board voted last month to fund one internship through the program. The intern will work on a project for the community from December … Continue Reading about Evergreen to Participate in Outreach Program for Women →
Southeast Regional Evergreen Conference, October 8-9, 2014
The State Library of North Carolina and The Library of Virginia are co-hosting the first ever Southeast Regional Evergreen Conference (SEREC). This conference is designed specifically for front-line library staff. It will provides an opportunity to get together with library staff from other consortia and libraries who use Evergreen attend formal presentations participate in focused … Continue Reading about Southeast Regional Evergreen Conference, October 8-9, 2014 →
Evergreen Oversight Board election results
The election for new members of the Evergreen Oversight Board closed at noon EDT on Wednesday, 19 March 2014. The two winners are: Grace Dunbar, Equinox Software Ben Shum, Bibliomation The election was run by the Software Freedom Conservancy. A total of 73 ballots were cast. The raw results are available on the Conservancy voting … Continue Reading about Evergreen Oversight Board election results →
Preparing for the 2014 Evergreen Oversight Board elections
The nomination and voter registration periods for the 2014 Evergreen Oversight Board elections are now underway. Two seats on the board are open this year for a three-year term. Email nominations and self-nominations can be sent to the Evergreen Oversight Board mailing list. If you have questions or would like information about what it means … Continue Reading about Preparing for the 2014 Evergreen Oversight Board elections →
Evergreen 2.4 — What’s new
Evergreen 2.4.0 was quietly release on May 3, 2013, but did not receive it’s normal announcement and fanfare. The post following this will very likely be the announcement of version 2.4.1, which provides significant improvement, though while late, we hope this run down of what’s new in the 2.4 series does it justice. The release … Continue Reading about Evergreen 2.4 — What’s new →