Evergreen 2.12.12 Evergreen 3.0.6 are now available. These are security releases; the Evergreen developers strongly urge users to upgrade as soon as possible. These releases fixes several cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerabilities in the public catalog. When upgrading, Evergreen administrators should review whether any of the following templates have been customized or overridden. If so, either … Continue Reading about Security releases: Evergreen 2.12.12 and Evergreen 3.0.6 →
Evergreen 3.0.5 and 2.12.11 released
The Evergreen community is pleased to announce two maintenance releases of Evergreen, 3.0.5 and 2.12.11. Evergreen 3.0.5 has the following changes improving on Evergreen 3.0.4: The MARC Editor in the Web staff client now wraps long fields. The MARC Editor no longer allows catalogers to enter newline characters into MARC subfields. Fixes an issue that … Continue Reading about Evergreen 3.0.5 and 2.12.11 released →
Evergreen International Conference: Announcing Keynote Speaker, Crystal Martin!
Posted on behalf of the Evergreen Conference Planning Committee. We are pleased to announce that Crystal Martin will be the keynote speaker at the Evergreen Conference! Crystal is an IT consultant at Slalom, a co-organizer of Strange Loop Conference, and diversity in tech/business advocate. As a Detroit Public Schools graduate, Crystal is passionate about equal … Continue Reading about Evergreen International Conference: Announcing Keynote Speaker, Crystal Martin! →
2018 Evergreen Conference Schedule is Now Up!
Thank you to all the presenters who volunteered for this year’s Evergreen International Conference! This year, we are using an event scheduling tool, Sched, for the conference schedule. This online tool will allow you to create your own unique conference schedule once you register for the conference and create your account You can access the … Continue Reading about 2018 Evergreen Conference Schedule is Now Up! →
Evergreen 3.03 and 2.12.9 released
The Evergreen community is pleased to announce two maintenance releases of Evergreen 3.0.3 and 2.12.9. Evergreen 3.0.3 has the following changes improving on Evergreen 3.0.2: Fixes several issues related to the display of located URIs and records with bib sources in search results. Setting opac_visible to false for a copy location group now hides only the location … Continue Reading about Evergreen 3.03 and 2.12.9 released →
Evergreen 3.0.2 and 2.12.8 released
The Evergreen community is pleased to announce two maintenance releases of Evergreen 3.0.2 and 2.12.8. Evergreen 3.0.2 has the following changes improving on Evergreen 3.0.1: Copy templates created in XUL Holdings Maintenance will now be automatically converted and displayed in the web staff client’s volume/copy editor. The list of report templates now includes a column … Continue Reading about Evergreen 3.0.2 and 2.12.8 released →