Just a quick post to announce PINES has grown by another library system: Lake Blackshear Regional. The PINES consortium has now grown to 49 library systems comprised of over 275 physical locations. The database has also grown: PINES is up to 9.3 million items and 1.8 million active users. PINES had over 17 million circulations … Continue Reading about PINES Consortium welcomes Lake Blackshear Regional Library →
Migration Post-Mortem
PINES is circulating books. Patrons are finding stuff. Catalogers are cataloging. PINES central staff members are still in-country and not in fear for their lives. We’ve done it, but we didn’t get here without a lot of hard work and lessons learned. For posterity’s sake, herein lies the tome of the Evergreen migration. The good, … Continue Reading about Migration Post-Mortem →
Evergreen has reached Beta
It’s hard to believe it has been almost 2 years since we started down the path to create a powerful, flexible, open source, enterprise-class ILS. I’m very happy to report today that we’ve reach an important milestone on this journey: Beta. The PINES libraries have already been working hard on an internal release of the … Continue Reading about Evergreen has reached Beta →
Evergreen Pre-Beta Release
The Evergreen Pre-Beta is here. For the impatient that just want to jump in: the OPAC is at http://demo.gapines.org. We strongly recommend Firefox when viewing the OPAC. The staff client is available for download from http://www.open-ils.org/cvs.html. Okay, for those that are still reading: there is still a ton of work to do before Evergreen hits … Continue Reading about Evergreen Pre-Beta Release →
OPAC3, Authority Control, Prototype Statistical Reporting
Evergreen development is chugging along, and we have some information and updates to pass along. As I mentioned in my previous entry, we have been spending a good deal of time moving the new server hardware into our new server hosting facility. First, allow me introduce you to three addresses:
Server Hosting Update
The largest happening lately in PINES-Evergreen land is a little place called e^deltacom. We issued an RFP for server hosting (aka “colocation”) services a while back, and e^deltacom was recently awarded the contract. Our intent in obtaining the services of such a place is to ensure that the PINES system has the best possible chance … Continue Reading about Server Hosting Update →