Attention, Evergreen users/followers/consider-ers! Step up to the plate and participate in the Perceptions 2008 International Library Automation Survey, produced by library-automation industry pundit Marshall Breeding. Marshall’s 2007 survey received “a total of 1,779 individuals from 47 different countries.” That’s a good start, but this survey would benefit from higher turnout. While the latest survey doesn’t … Continue Reading about Get Up, Stand Up: Participate in the 2008 Perceptions Survey →
Access 2008: the Fall Fashion Color was Evergreen!
(Note: see the new Evergreen Flickr set and Delicious set for more linkalicious pleasure.) Many good topics were discussed at Access 2008 in Hamilton, Ontario this past weekend, but Evergreen seemed to be every other word (the alternate word was LibX). As you can see from the photo on the left (by Evergreener David Fiander), … Continue Reading about Access 2008: the Fall Fashion Color was Evergreen! →
What’s in a name? ( to
The Evergreen community has been discussing changing the domain for Evergreen’s project site from to “Discussion” may be too strong a word… it’s more like consensus, at least from members of the Evergreen community who have been reading the list the last two weeks. The majority opinion seems to be that this has … Continue Reading about What’s in a name? ( to →
The Evergreen Head-bob
I have been stewing about my maiden post on this blog for some time, so here goes. I presented or talked about Evergreen and open source seven times at ALA Annual 2008. (Seven times, I tell you, seven times!) It was a great experience, and part of the joy came from the many moments when … Continue Reading about The Evergreen Head-bob →