Lorcan Dempsey’s post Evergreen and Pines refers to a Georgia Public Library Service (GPLS) report Use of Georgia’s public libraries continues to rise in Internet Age and echoes one I made earlier here entitled Save the time of the reader. Briefly, all three deal with increases in the use of Georgia Public libraries generally and … Continue Reading about Every reader his or her book; Every book its reader. →
PLA and an Evergreen Users Group, Birds of a Feather gathering?
Hi folks, I was wondering if any of you would be interested in gathering together to talk about Evergreen during the Public Library Association’s National Conference (http://www.placonference.org/) in March? Most of the Evergreen developers will be there and we can arrange for a meeting space. The notion is that anyone interested in the project (software, … Continue Reading about PLA and an Evergreen Users Group, Birds of a Feather gathering? →
Save the time of the reader
Evergreen went live over the Labor Day weekend in 2006. How are the users of PINES adapting to the new ILS? The results of this preliminary analysis show rapid growth in use of PINES libraries. We only have fragmentary data from before the change but the following table shows changes in selected measures of use … Continue Reading about Save the time of the reader →
Laurentian University and Evergreen in an academic context
I’ve been contributing to Evergreen in various ways for a long time now, and strongly hinted back in October that this was becoming more than just a personal involvement with Evergreen. Laurentian University, my employer, recently issued a press release announcing that we have selected Evergreen as our future library system. I think this is … Continue Reading about Laurentian University and Evergreen in an academic context →
For you Facebook users
Did you know that there’s a Facebook group dedicated to your favorite ILS? The Evergreen “Open-ILS” Automated Library system group is an informal virtual social gathering of Evergreen fans, devotees, and users. If you have a Facebook account (or are looking for a reason to set one up), we invite you to join the group. … Continue Reading about For you Facebook users →
Evergreen Holiday Lunch Party
Equinox hosted a small Evergreen lunch party/gathering yesterday, and it seemed a perfect opportunity to get a picture of many folks who work together all the time, but rarely see each other. Sadly, one of our number had to take the picture–thanks to Lamar Veatch, Georgia State Librarian for performing the picture-taking duty. Happy Holidays … Continue Reading about Evergreen Holiday Lunch Party →