This afternoon, rather quietly, I posted the first release candidate for Evergreen 1.2.0 on the download page. This is a big milestone for the project and for the developers. It’s also a big milestone for those interested in adopting Evergreen outside of PINES. The 1.0 series was pretty heavily skinned for PINES, with the … Continue Reading about It’s the newwwwwww style →
In case anybody happens to need some C that can take a char* and encode any UTF-8 byte sequences in there (as I needed to — our cribbed UTF-8 encoder proved brittle), here’s a little bit of code that may help. It’s probably more verbose than it needs to be, but it works — and … Continue Reading about Escape! →
Insert Clever Snake Metaphor
In an effort to maintain some mental stimulation while we go through our post-migration shake-down (i.e. Bugzilla and feature request wrangling), I’ve decided to learn Python in the off-hours. I also figured while I was at it, I might as well get some useful code out of it.
Quicker SuperCat update
I said coming soon, and I meant it! 😉 Here‘s the HTML output from an OpenSearch 1.1 Atom feed, rendered server side to include unAPI. So, here’s the stack that generates that page The OpenSRF application acts a distributed ORM for all of OpenILS’s persistent storage needs. We have applications called and … Continue Reading about Quicker SuperCat update →
Quick SuperCat update
What its web API can do today: REST retrieval of bibliographic records as MARCXML, MODS, atom entry, rss item, oai_dc, srw_dc and rdf_dc, as well as OPAC redirection unAPI retrieval in formats above OpenSearch 1.0 and 1.1, and OSD generation (yes, generation — replace the dash in those URLs with title, author, subject or series … Continue Reading about Quick SuperCat update →
print “Achtung!\n”x3;
I’ve been particularly productive today, at least as far as externally visible services are concerned. SuperCat is proving to be a mighty beast, and is now the basis of three (count ’em, three) shiny new web APIs. UPDATE: Bill and I set up the services described here on our externally accessible dev server. The URLs … Continue Reading about print “Achtung!\n”x3; →