On behalf of the Evergreen team, I wanted to thank everyone who made the trip down to Georgia for the code4lib 2007 conference. It was a pleasure to host the conference, and we hope to have the opportunity to host again some day.
Personally, for me, one of the most interesting things about the conference was getting to meet the folks behind the IRC nicks in meatspace. Some of you were exactly how I’d envisioned… while with others, my mental image could not have been more off the mark.
Also, as Karen Schneider said in her keynote, it was comforting just to be with colleagues who got the inside jokes (and didn’t need the conference t-shirt explained to them).
From the Evergreen side, the Install Evergreen in 20 minutes breakout session was well-attended. Bill did a great job going through the process from prerequisites to config files to even a bit of troubleshooting. We hope it was a helpful and informative breakout.
Finally, I would like to take this opportunity to thank the many folks that helped make the conference a success:
- Roy Tennant — for taking the bull by the horns and being a great master of ceremonies.
- Karen Schneider and Erik Hatcher — for delivering 2 wonderful keynotes.
- Erik (again!) and Bess Sadler — for running a great pre-conference.
- David Baker of GPLS — for holding my hand through the t-shirt creation/ordering/printing process and for creating a great conference agenda handout. Heavens, Agnes. 🙂
- Julie Walker and Elizabeth Garcia of GPLS — for helping out behind the scenes in the innumerable and invaluable ways you did.
- And, of course, thanks goes to the conference sponsors: OCLC, Oregon State University, Talis, Logical Choice Technologies, and LibLime. Without your support there would likely be no code4lib conference.
- Lastly, a conference is no more or less than what the participants put into it and make of it. Thanks to each of you that gave prepared talks, lightning talks, and/or led breakout sessions.
So, onward to code4lib 2008 in Portland, OR!
Thanks a lot to you all for hosting it. I don’t think we publically thanked the hosts as effusively as we could have.
PS: Your ‘captcha’ thing is really hard. I had to refresh multiple times to get one I could read well enough to enter correctly. Soon enough the captchas will all outwit me. I swear I’m a human! I recommend you guys try your own thing yourself to see how difficult it is.
Is it possible to get presentation materials from the “Install Evergreen in 20 minutes breakout session” presented by Bill?
There weren’t any presentation materials, per se. I had a Makefile and a little list of cryptic reminders (“go through config files”), some of which are out of date by now. However, the files I used are at http://open-ils.org/~erickson/c4lc_2007/ , and the Makefile in particular might offer some insight.
Keep in mind, also, that my breakout session assumed an existing, populated database.