I just wanted to throw this up quickly so interested parties could see it happen almost live…
We have a small team of US and Canadian library coders & techies gathered together in person at GPLS’s datacenter in Suwanee, Georgia, to further the development of an open source acquisitions and serials system (“Woodchip”) for use with Evergreen (or as a standalone system, or for use with any other systems that want to integrate with it). These folks are Art Rhyno from the University of Windsor, Brandon Uhlman from the British Columbia Ministry of Education, Dan Scott from Laurentian University, and Ed Summers from the Library of Congress, in addition to the regular Equinox crew, Bill Erickson, Brad LaJeunesse, Jason Etheridge, and Mike Rylander. Primary funding is coming from the Georgia Public Library Service, the British Columbia Public Libraries, and Equinox Software.
We started yesterday, and will work today, tomorrow, and most of Sunday. So far, it’s been great, and we’ve been throwing some notes onto a Google Document.
As always, everyone is welcome to heckle us on Freenode IRC on channel #openils-evergreen
— Jason
(UPDATE: made the URL a link –miker)
I noticed in your Google doc notes the following statement: “ERM -> how/if it should fit”
One option you should consider, at least at this point, is to create a link from your ACQ module to the SerialsSolutions ERM module, along the lines of what SirsiDynix did with SerialsSolutions. Why?
The real question is, how will you manage your knowledge base for electronic resources? The SerialsSolutions knowledge base underpins their ERM. It makes sense to consider outsourcing that piece to a vendor, at least at this point. ERM systems have turned out to be harder to build than many people once thought. Keeping us with the knowledge base is also difficult (remember JAKE?).
No, I don’t work for SerialsSolutions. I work for Cornell. Just my 2 cents on an approach that might work well for you at this stage.