The Evergreen Outreach Committee is pleased to announce that July’s Contributor of the Month is Jason Stephenson. Jason serves as the ILS Manager for C/W MARS in Massachusetts, and has been a key contributor to the Evergreen project over the years. At C/W MARS, Jason maintains their Evergreen instance and its supporting infrastructure. Jason also … Continue Reading about Jason Stephenson: Evergreen Contributor of the Month →
New Evergreen releases: 3.3.2, 3.2.7, and 3.1.13
June saw the release of three new Evergreen releases. Coming on the heels of a successful bug squashing week and feedback fest, Evergreen 3.3.2, 3.2.7, and 3.1.13 include bug fixes related to circulation, cataloging, the public catalog, reports, system administration, accessibility, general usability, and quality assurance. Evergreen 3.3.2 also includes a number of improvements to … Continue Reading about New Evergreen releases: 3.3.2, 3.2.7, and 3.1.13 →
Lynn Floyd: Evergreen Contributor of the Month
The Evergreen Outreach Committee is pleased to announce that June’s Contributor of the Month is Lynn Floyd, who is the head of Information Technology at the Anderson County Library in Anderson, South Carolina. Anderson County Library is a member of the SC LENDS consortium. In her role at Anderson County Library, Lynn serves as the … Continue Reading about Lynn Floyd: Evergreen Contributor of the Month →
OpenSRF 3.0.3 and OpenSRF 3.1.1 released
We are pleased to announce the release of bugfix releases (3.0.3 and 3.1.1) of OpenSRF, a message routing network that offers scalability and failover support for individual services and entire servers with minimal development and deployment overhead. OpenSRF 3.0.3 and 3.1.1 include a performance improvement; all users of OpenSRF 3.0.x and 3.1.x are encouraged to … Continue Reading about OpenSRF 3.0.3 and OpenSRF 3.1.1 released →
New Board Mailing List
The Evergreen Project is transitioning its governance into a self-administered not-for-profit organization. As a part of that change, the recently-formed Evergreen Project Board has requested that we create a new mailing list,, and retire the eg-oversight-board list from active use. Public archives will remain available. Please visit to subscribe to the new list.
Mary Llewellyn: Evergreen Contributor of the Month
The Evergreen Outreach Committee is pleased to announce that May’s Contributor of the Month is Mary Llewellyn, the Database Manager at Bibliomation, a consortium of Evergreen libraries in Connecticut. Mary’s role at Bibliomation includes supporting Cataloging, Acquisitions, and Serials workflows for their member libraries. Mary can often be found asking questions and sharing her knowledge … Continue Reading about Mary Llewellyn: Evergreen Contributor of the Month →