Last year we did our first community t-shirt featuring a quote from a community member (pulled from the IRC quotes database). This year we are doing it again but it will be a new quote. Please rank your favorites from 1 to 6 and the one with the strongest weight will be used. This shirt … Continue Reading about T-Shirts! Voting! →
Hack-A-Way 2017 @ Fort Benjamin Harrison
Day 1 of the 2017 Hack-A-Way at Fort Benjamin Harrison is beginning as most things do with setup! Many thanks to the Indiana State Library who have been gracious enough to host us two years in a row at the inn located in Fort Benjamin Harrison just outside Indianapolis, Indiana. This is one of ten … Continue Reading about Hack-A-Way 2017 @ Fort Benjamin Harrison →
Hack-A-Way 2017 Is HERE!
As I type a small knot of Evergreeners have already congregated and begun hashing out topics far and wide at the Atlanta aIrport. While this certainly isn’t the Hack-A-Way proper it’s appropriate that an informal event has an informal soft start. This isn’t to say that the Hack-A-Way is completely free form. Over the years … Continue Reading about Hack-A-Way 2017 Is HERE! →
It Takes a Village
Lyrasis with the support of an IMLS grant hosted a forum for open source software in libraries called “It Takes a Village.” Lyrasis brought together a variety of leaders in open source projects to discuss issues related to the creation, management, and sustainability of open source systems. The open source projects included but were not … Continue Reading about It Takes a Village →
Evergreen 3.0 development update #17: aloft
Since the previous update in this series noting steps along the path to 3.0, a lot has happened. Evergreen 3.0.0 was released on 3 October and 3.0.1 was released on 19 October. Many libraries are now laying plans for their upgrades to 3.0. On the one hand, a major release is an important event; on … Continue Reading about Evergreen 3.0 development update #17: aloft →
Evergreen 2.12.7 and 3.0.1 released
The Evergreen community is pleased to announce two maintenance releases of Evergreen: 2.12.7 and 3.0.1. Evergreen 3.0.1 has the following changes improving on Evergreen 3.0.0: Fixes a bug in the web staff client that prevented initials from being stored with copy notes. Adds billing types that may have been missed by systems that were running … Continue Reading about Evergreen 2.12.7 and 3.0.1 released →