Since the previous update, another 33 patches have been committed to the master branch. Some of those patches were routine ones made as part of building this week’s bug fix and security releases. If you have not yet applied the security update, which closes several cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerabilities, it would be a good idea … Continue Reading about Evergreen 3.0 development update #7 →
Security releases: Evergreen 2.10.12, Evergreen 2.11.5, and Evergreen 2.12.2
Evergreen 2.10.12, Evergreen 2.11.5, and Evergreen 2.12.2 are now available. These are security releases; the Evergreen developers strongly urge users to upgrade as soon as possible. These releases fixes several cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerabilities in the public catalog. When upgrading, Evergreen administrators should review whether any of the following templates have been customized or overridden. … Continue Reading about Security releases: Evergreen 2.10.12, Evergreen 2.11.5, and Evergreen 2.12.2 →
Evergreen 3.0 development update #6: feedback fest results
Since the previous update, another 30 patches have been committed to the master branch. This was the week of the first feedback fest in the 3.0 release cycle. A total of 57 bugs were identified last week as having an active pull request but no signoff; an additional bug was add to the wiki page … Continue Reading about Evergreen 3.0 development update #6: feedback fest results →
Evergreen 3.0 development update #5
Since the previous update, another 16 patches have wended their way into the master branch. However, there are a lot of branches waiting in the wings, so that will be the focus of today’s update. In particular, at the moment there are a bit over 50 bugs in Launchpad that have a “pullrequest” tag (meaning … Continue Reading about Evergreen 3.0 development update #5 →
Evergreen 3.0 development update #4
Another 27 patches have made their way into the master branch since the previous update. Some highlights from last week include: Documentation patches arising from the DIG Hackfest Bug 1257915: Make Evergreen automatically mark a purchase order received when all of its line items have been either received or permanently cancelled. This one is a … Continue Reading about Evergreen 3.0 development update #4 →
Evergreen 3.0 development update #3: moving right to left
As of this writing, 21 patches have been committed to the master branch since the previous development update. One set of patches I’d like to highlight are the ones by Dan Scott for bug 1681009, which merge the main RTL (right-to-left) CSS stylesheet for the public catalog into the LTR (left-to-right). The RTL stylesheet was … Continue Reading about Evergreen 3.0 development update #3: moving right to left →