As of this writing, 34 patches have been committed to the master since the previous development update. Many of them were bugfixes in support of the 2.10.11, 2.11.4, and 2.12.1 releases. The 3.0 road map can be considered complete at this point, although as folks come up with additional feature ideas — and more importantly … Continue Reading about Evergreen 3.0 development update #2 →
Evergreen 2.10.11, 2.11.4, and 2.12.1 released
The Evergreen community is pleased to announce three maintenance releases of Evergreen, 2.10.11, 2.11.4, and 2.12.1. If you upgraded to 2.12.0 from an earlier version of Evergreen, please note that Evergreen 2.12.1 contains an important fix to the new geographic and chronological term browse indexes and requires that a browse reingest of your bibliographic records … Continue Reading about Evergreen 2.10.11, 2.11.4, and 2.12.1 released →
Evergreen 3.0 development update #1
We have ambitious plans for Evergreen 3.0. Not only will it mark the first release where the community will fully support production use of the web staff client, a number of new features are in the works, including copy tags, batch patron editing, and support for performing ebook circulation transactions directly in the public catalog. … Continue Reading about Evergreen 3.0 development update #1 →
It is Saturday!
It is the fifth and final day of the Evergreen International Conference 2017! After five wonderful and exhausting days we’ve covered so much in presentations and side conversations, eaten a lot of food and played a good few games. Our heads are stuffed full of information, friendships renewed and code planned. We would like to … Continue Reading about It is Saturday! →
Friday Conference Thanks!
We would like to thank Bibliomation and Midwest Tape for sponsoring our breaks on Friday! And thank you to Backstage Library Works & Overdrive for sponsoring our Lightning Talks. These are not just sponsors and exhibitors but also part of the community. I hope everyone who is at the conference will stop by the exhibitors … Continue Reading about Friday Conference Thanks! →
Evergreen Community Annual Report 2016
It is that time again, for the 2016 Evergreen Community Annual Report (released in 2017)! Thank you to everyone who responded to the survey and helped put it together and thank you to the Oversight Board and Outreach Committee for making it come to life. While attendees at the conference this morning can enjoy the … Continue Reading about Evergreen Community Annual Report 2016 →