We Came, We Saw, We Squashed Bugs. The Evergreen community held its first Bug Squashing Day August 26. The day was an opportunity for the entire community to focus on bugs: confirming bugs, coding bug fixes, testing patches, and merging signed-off patches into the core code. By the end of the day, eleven bug fixes … Continue Reading about Bug Squashing Day Wrap-Up →
Southeast Regional Evergreen Conference, October 8-9, 2014
The State Library of North Carolina and The Library of Virginia are co-hosting the first ever Southeast Regional Evergreen Conference (SEREC). This conference is designed specifically for front-line library staff. It will provides an opportunity to get together with library staff from other consortia and libraries who use Evergreen attend formal presentations participate in focused … Continue Reading about Southeast Regional Evergreen Conference, October 8-9, 2014 →
Evergreen Bug Squashing Day
The Evergreen community will hold its first Bug Squashing Day on Tuesday, August 26, 2014. The goal of bug squashing day is for contributors and volunteers to commit the entire day to the following activities: Fixing bugs; Testing bug fixes that have pullrequest tags; General bug wrangling activities (confirming bugs, marking duplicates, etc.); Pushing bug … Continue Reading about Evergreen Bug Squashing Day →
Evergreen 2.7.0-beta1 released!
Success! The 2.7.0-beta1 preview files are now available on the Evergreen website’s downloads page. The first draft of the 2.7 Release Notes is also available with this release, see: http://evergreen-ils.org/documentation/release/RELEASE_NOTES_2_7.html As of this 2.7.0-beta1 release, there will be no new features** added to master as the community shifts gears to focus on testing and stabilizing the features … Continue Reading about Evergreen 2.7.0-beta1 released! →
Evergreen for Academics Interest Group Forms
A group of academics using or considering Evergreen has formed to focus on academic issues in the ILS. The goal of the group is to identify the academic-related functions that most need attention and work to build knowledge, consensus, and resources to move these issues forward. Evergreen for Academics will holds its first meeting in the #evergreen IRC … Continue Reading about Evergreen for Academics Interest Group Forms →
Evergreen 2015 International Conference Location Announced
The Evergreen International Conference Selection Committee is very pleased to announce the 2015 Conference will be held in Hood River, Oregon. The committee unanimously selected the proposal submitted by Buzzy Nielsen of the Hood River County Library District, part of the Sage Library System. The Site Selection Committee consisted of Shauna Borger (Evergreen Indiana), … Continue Reading about Evergreen 2015 International Conference Location Announced →