I am delighted to announce that, as of today, the Evergreen project has added another core committer. This morning, Dan Wells of the Hekman Library at Calvin College accepted our invitation to join us on the core committer team. Dan presented some of his early work on revamping serials support at the Evergreen International Conference … Continue Reading about Welcome, Dan Wells: Evergreen’s newest core committer →
Scale Economies
Economies of Scale is a concept from Economics that describes a condition where expanding an activity results in decreasing costs per unit at the margin. These savings result from efficiencies that are realized as the activity increases in size. In other words, being able to do more or make more, with fewer resources spent per … Continue Reading about Scale Economies →
Evergreen at 4
Evergreen’s fourth birthday was on September 5 over the U.S. Labor Day weekend. It has taken a bit of time to assemble data on the libraries running Evergreen. We are all aware of the growth of Evergreen use in libraries and in the community and the numbers I have assembled help demonstrate that fact. There … Continue Reading about Evergreen at 4 →
Evergreen 2.0, alpha 4 – “Hot Diggity”
The Evergreen development team has put together another 2.0 alpha release in the relentless march towards stability. The release, cleverly named alpha 4, incorporates a much smaller number of bug fixes and performance improvements than alpha 3, suggesting that we are indeed getting close to the level of stability needed for a good beta release. … Continue Reading about Evergreen 2.0, alpha 4 – “Hot Diggity” →
Draft rules of governance for Evergreen Software Foundation – for discussion
After a great deal of effort through the summer, the Governance Committee struck at the 2010 Evergreen Conference is pleased to provide for your review and feedback the proposed rules of governance for the Evergreen Software Foundation. These rules can be found at the top of the “governance structure” space of the Evergreen wiki in … Continue Reading about Draft rules of governance for Evergreen Software Foundation – for discussion →
Evergreen 2.0, alpha 3 release ready and waiting
Yesterday we (the Evergreen development team) finished wrapping up the Evergreen 2.0 alpha 3 release and made it available for your consumption, inspection, testing, development – what have you. The released ??files, including the source tarball, staff clients for Windows and Linux, and a virtual image built on Debian Squeeze, are available from the Evergreen … Continue Reading about Evergreen 2.0, alpha 3 release ready and waiting →