Much ado has been made about Evergreen’s ability to scale up with both its service-oriented architecture and consortia-savvy interfaces, and as folks witnessed at PLA, it can also scale down to the size of a laptop. Well, now we have really done it. We have taken the n-tier concept to the extreme and have introduced … Continue Reading about Evergreen Scales Down. Way down. →
Why do you do it that way? (or, design rationale)
Yesterday I was explaining to some librarians how Evergreen relates Items (the actual physical barcoded material that circulates) to Volumes (where the Call Number lives) to Bib Records (which contains the MARC), and one person was curious and asked, “why do you do it that way?” The short answer is because it’s good design, but … Continue Reading about Why do you do it that way? (or, design rationale) →
Congrats to not one, but two other Open Source ILSs
First I’d like to welcome NewGenLib to the virtual family of FOSS ILSs. In truth, we’ve known about them for a while and have been looking at their serials interfaces during our ACQ/SER design, but now that eIFL is covering them, well… 😉 It’s great to see another entrant, and one that has already found … Continue Reading about Congrats to not one, but two other Open Source ILSs →
Laundry List
It’s been a while, but here’s just some of what I’ve personally been doing during this latest stretch of radio silence: In-database circulation permit calculation — ~5ms instead of ~100ms for arbitrarily complex circ rules In-database hold permit calculation — ~5ms, down from about 50ms In-database relevance rank adjustments — configure relative weights and have … Continue Reading about Laundry List →
“We want to emulate the PINES experience”
One of the interesting aspects of working with Evergreen is the phone calls from large consortia or state libraries wishing to start large resource sharing networks like PINES. I believe there was a latent demand by the library community–particularly from library users–for ILS software capable of managing large networks that has now been met by … Continue Reading about “We want to emulate the PINES experience” →
Code4lib 2008 (Mini) Roundup
I’ve been to my share of library conferences over the last couple of years. They all have something to offer in their own way: networking, schmoozing, wacky vendor displays, swag, etc. It’s been my experience, though, that as a geek/developer, I’m often a little disappointed at the content — it’s just not geared toward someone … Continue Reading about Code4lib 2008 (Mini) Roundup →