This afternoon, rather quietly, I posted the first release candidate for Evergreen 1.2.0 on the download page. This is a big milestone for the project and for the developers. It’s also a big milestone for those interested in adopting Evergreen outside of PINES. The 1.0 series was pretty heavily skinned for PINES, with the … Continue Reading about It’s the newwwwwww style →
ALA Presentation Pics and Slides
The Evergreen presentation at ALA was a huge success… a little too successful, in fact. Many folks had to be turned away after the room filled completely up. Here are some pictures of the event, courtesy Lamar Veatch, Georgia State Librarian: Also, here are the slides from the presentation.
ALA; Open Source is not a distraction
I had a great time at ALA, and obviously, I perked my ears whenever the topic of open source came up (which was a lot). I found it interesting that everyone seemed forced to agree that open source was a good thing, whether it was as infrastructure that even proprietary vendors made use of or … Continue Reading about ALA; Open Source is not a distraction →
ALA; Myths on the Cost of Open Source; Sharing in Positivity
I went to a discussion panel at ALA where a couple of library luminaries shared their views on library innovation. It was a good discussion all around and there were some great questions and comments from the audience. One recurring theme was the “reinforcement of the negative” that pervades the library landscape. For example, harping … Continue Reading about ALA; Myths on the Cost of Open Source; Sharing in Positivity → Overhaul
We’ve just completed a much-needed overhaul of the Open-ILS website. Many thanks go to Darin Givens and David Baker of the GPLS Communications Department. If you happen to come across any broken links or other strangeness, please let us know. Thanks!
The Mellon Foundation and Evergreen
I’ve been asked about this many times over the past couple of weeks, so I figure the word is out. And, so I can clear out about a dozen emails in my inbox, I figured I’d post the definitive answer here: Yes, the Evergreen project, by way of GPLS, has been approached by the Mellon … Continue Reading about The Mellon Foundation and Evergreen →