There has been quite a saga unfolding slowly over the last couple months in the #code4lib IRC channel regarding the use of Amazon’s OpenSearch technology and it’s use for searching across cooperating libraries’ catalogs. Everyone there seems to agree, on a basic level, that OpenSearch is a useful search interface and that it benefits everyone … Continue Reading about Sometimes good enough is better →
Evergreen Alpha Release
After approximately a year of software development, we are proud to announce the arrival of the Evergreen Alpha release! Programmers and other techies will probably want to go straight to the download area and grab a tarball. We’re very pleased with how this release turned out, and are looking forward to the comments and suggestions … Continue Reading about Evergreen Alpha Release →
A little history on JSON, etc.
I’m glad to see we’ve stirred the pot with our discussion of JSON. It’s driven us to stop and think about our decisions, their impact on our project, and how others may be able to interact with our system. For the sake of those interested, I thought I might offer some clarity regarding our use … Continue Reading about A little history on JSON, etc. →
Fun with Javascript and JSON
I haven’t broken radio silence in a while so I thought I would have a general discussion of some of the fun code I’ve been exploring. OPAC development has been interesting as of late in part because of its evolution into an almost fully dynamic client side application. Our extensive use of JSON and XMLHTTPRequest … Continue Reading about Fun with Javascript and JSON →
June Executive Committee Report
Welcome to the summer! I realize it’s a busy time for you folks in the public libraries (with Summer Reading and all), and I appreciate the time you take to keep up with the Evergreen project. As usual, work on Evergreen is proceeding on schedule, and we expect a solid Alpha release in July. The … Continue Reading about June Executive Committee Report →
Getting along with the neighbors
If you had asked me three weeks ago how one might go about creating a federated search interface that could intelligently combine the results from academic and public libraries, I would have shrugged. If you had then asked how one might go about integrating search results from other sources, such as online journal indexes, weblogs, … Continue Reading about Getting along with the neighbors →