So we’ve reached a small milestone this week.. I’ll start from the beginning. Mozilla, which we’re using as the client side software platform, has a built in framework called XPCOM which allows developers to add software components to the overall application. For example, if you developed a fast XML processing application that you wanted to … Continue Reading about mozilla/xpcom/javascript →
A Tale of Two Encodings
In my last post I explained the basics of how we will be handling MARC records as XML. To recap, we will store our bibliographic record as MARC21slim XML documents. This format is recommended and maintained by the Library of Congress, so we feel confident using it. Now we just need to morph our binary … Continue Reading about A Tale of Two Encodings →
Staff Client Themes and Skins
Previously, we mentioned CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) and how it allows us to separate presentation from content in our Mozilla-based applications. We have a few screenshots to demonstrate this. Let’s start with some drastic examples:
November Executive Committee Report
This is the first of what I hope will be informative and helpful progress reports for the Evergreen software development project. In this report I plan on giving a broad, project-wide overview of events, decisions, issues, and milestones that have occurred recently within the project. I also hope this report elicits responses and comments from … Continue Reading about November Executive Committee Report →
I’d like to share a word on communication. We’ve decided to start with Jabber ( as the communication layer between the various components. Jabber is great because it can be as simple as you want while allowing for practically limitless expansion. Given the open nature of Jabber, for example, we could write our own server … Continue Reading about Messaging →
Bibliographic Data Storage and Access
Though there haven’t been many requests for the information in this post, we felt it would be a good idea to keep everyone up to date on the internal direction and progress we are making, much as Jason’s earlier post regarding the Staff Client did. What follows is an overview of where we are with … Continue Reading about Bibliographic Data Storage and Access →