The nomination and voter registration periods for the 2014 Evergreen Oversight Board elections are now underway.
Two seats on the board are open this year for a three-year term.
Email nominations and self-nominations can be sent to the Evergreen Oversight Board mailing list. If you have questions or would like information about what it means to be on the board, you are welcome to contact the Nominating Committee by sending an email to Elizabeth McKinney, Galen Charlton and Andrea Bunz Neiman . After confirming the nominees, the committee will announce the nominee’s names to the Evergreen Community general discussion list. The Software Freedom Conservancy will host this year’s election process using Single Transferable Vote (STV) ballot selection system.
The deadline for nominations is 5pm Sunday, March 9th, 2014.
The election software requires a list of voters before the election starts, and we are using SurveyMonkey to collect that list.
To be eligible to vote, you must either be an individual who has contributed code, documentation, or other work to the Evergreen Project, or you must be employed by an institution that is contributing to the project by virtue of running Evergreen.
If you wish to vote in the election, please submit a response to the voter registration survey.
The deadline for registering to vote in the election is 5 p.m. Pacific Daylight Savings Time on Monday, March 10th, 2014.