From the first Evergreen development meeting IRC log (with apologies to The Economist):
- 152 (duration in minutes from the official start time of 10:00 AM EDT until the official ending time of 12:32)
- 627 (comments posted during the meeting)
- 57 (peak nicks registered in the channel during the meeting – undoubtedly an all-time record for #evergreen)
- 22 (participants who commented during the meeting)
- 16 (participants who made more than one comment)
- 156 (comments made by the most vocal participant)
- 3 (volunteers to summarize the decisions made and general discussions)
- 2 (final releases expected next week)
- 59 (karma increments)
- 2 (karma decrements)
- 0 (karma decrements targeted at someone other than the one doing the decrementing)